Happy Birthday Soph!

I can’t believe my little sister is 16 YEARS OLD!

sophie birthday 2

I love you and am so proud that you are my sister. In honor of your birthday, here are 16 of the things that I love most about ya. [with some really fun pictures that are randomly thrown in there!]

(1) I love that you are sassy.

2013_01_03 Andrew and Kelly professional cousin pic

(2) I love that you eat mexican food like it is going out of style.

2013_02_17 soph dance 5

(3) I love watching you dance. It amazes me to see how you are so committed.

03_29_2013 spring break 8

(4) Even though you could work on your delivery sometimes, I appreciate all of your candid fashion advice. [let’s face it… I need it.]


(5) I love your servant-heart.

 brock 10

(6) I love how you like to hang out with the kiddos at church and love on them. Keep it up – there is nothing better than baby-snuggles 🙂


(7) I love your crazy devil’s-food-cake making skills.

2012_10 fall football 7

(8) I love the many ways we are different. You remind me not to take myself too seriously and that a messy closet never hurt anyone!

05_04_2013 tunica 12

(9) I love that you are up for the adventure of living on LSU’s campus. I wish I could be there to see more of what day-to-day life looks for you.

Lagniappe and sunday school 067

(10) I love that you could drink 184370981 chai tea lattes in a day.

08_15_2013 soph no braces

(11) I love your sense of humor.

2012_12_16 Ama's 90th

(12) I love riding around in the car singing the same songs with you. Over and over and over again! It’s fun. And you better bet we are going to do a lot of that when I am home in November.

Orange Beach 024

(13) I love your stubborn streak. [You may or may not have gotten that from me… oops!]

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(14) I’ve loved watching you become more independent these past few years. Especially over the summer while mom has been in Germany. Your chicken cooking skills are stellar!

sib pic

(15) I love that you are artistic and I am not. Would you teach me?

05_20_2013 soph and I graduation

(16) Most of all, I love that God gave me YOU for a sister.

I love you Sophers. I so wish I could be there to bring you La Carreta for lunch and to sing Happy Birthday to you tonight, but we’ll just have to re-celebrate when I see you next! Love you forever!

2 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Soph!

  1. Amy Ellender says:

    Syd – this is wonderful! You have reminded me what a blessing it is to have a sister! You two are precious and I am so thankful God placed you in my world! Loving you from afar, Amy

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